OK, so mvn install -Papache-release generates the source release bundle zip.

I poked around for a while but couldn’t come up with the incantation
needed to start excluding things from the zip.  e.g., the zip includes
all of the residual gradle generated **/build/

Chris, can you enhance the configs so as to exclude the various
things that the gradle build was configured to exclude?
See top level build.gradle/srcReleaseTarGz task.
Also exclude src/site (that present in the zip too), right?

The generated zip’s name is:

“edgent-parent” ?  today we, I thought correctly, have “apache-edgent” there.
Also, the required “incubating” is missing in the release bundle name.

— Dale

> On Jun 7, 2017, at 10:35 AM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 
> wrote:
> Checking our repo:
> https://repository.apache.org/#view-repositories;releases~browsestorage
> I can see that fewer than about 10% of all apache projects do that … But I 
> wouldn’t mind adding that, if the others agree.
> Chris
> Am 07.06.17, 14:54 schrieb "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com>:
>    Hi,
>    While not a requirement prefixing with apache may add some legal 
> protection and is good from a branding point of of view.
>    Thanks,
>    Justin

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