Today (pre-mvn), Edgent has a number of sample programs under /samples.  They 
are pre-built and included in the binary release bundle as a collection of jars 
edgent.samples.{apps,…}.jar and are run via scripts under /scripts.

Your thoughts on samples in the new world? As things are now, the scripts don’t 
work. They presume a (binary release) directory tree where all of the edgent 
jars reside in a particular layout.  They also use the non-version-labeled-name 
form of the Edgent jars.

At a high level there's “how do I build and package/assemble my app for 
execution on a device, and run my app”.  Edgent, mostly, isn’t in the business 
of how to package the bits or get them to / install them on the device.

Today’s binary release bundle only addresses the “run” part of that.  The 
binary bundle includes the sample sources but doesn’t include tooling/scripts 
to build them. How lame is that?  :-)

In my mind it’s NOT a hard requirement that we (a) provide pre-built samples, 
nor (b) provide an Edgent binary release bundle (containing all the Edgent jars 
and deps).  I think it’s just the opposite :-)

I’ll stop there just to kickoff this thread.

— Dale

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