Hello fineracters,

Trust that this email finds you well.

Special congratulations to our Google Summer of Code 2018 interns who
are graduating from University !

In an effort to simplify fineract-cn-demo-server and increase the
number of eyeballs looking at the platform's code, I've looked into
demo-server's ServiceRunner and service-starter and have the some
questions which beg for clarification.

1. Is it compulsory that the wait time [1] between starting the
microservices be 20 seconds ? Should this be reduced ? To what extent

2. After migrating each service [2] when persistence is true, should
there be a 5 seconds sleep ?

3. In the tearDown() method [3], should services be killed in any
order or in the reverse order in which they were started in the
before() method [4] ?

4. +Ebenezer Graham Any special reason why new notificationsAdmin [5]
role was created ? What if it's possible to use the existing Org Admin
[6] role and user to allow for permissions related to the
notifications service just like the other services do ?

5. Should there be a 40 seconds sleep [7] in Microservice's start()
method ? Should this be reduced ?

6. +Markus Geiss Can we default CONCURRENCY from 3-10 to 1-1 in
ActiveMQForTest [8] ? I remember your advice to Graham regarding
reduction in the number of received events from 3 to 1.

7. +Myrle Krantz , How do we run demo-server jar file with debug
option to start micro-services based on this [9] ? -Dsuspend=y
-Daddress=3020 ? This could help update the How-To-Build wiki page .

I understand that sometime it's better to apologize than ask for
permission but given that we want demo-server working for everybody, I
thought it would be necessary to ask even the most minute details
concerning changes that affect these integration tests.

Kindly advise on these issues.

At Your Service,
Isaac Kamga.










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