On 1/28/13 6:13 PM, "Daniel Wasilewski" <devudes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We have 2 camps now, performance vs debugging features.
I don't think it is one vs the other.  There are trade-offs to be made.
First we have to get enough stuff working to see what the trade-offs are.
Yes, Jangaroo is already working so folks can always go there, but as far as
Apache Flex goes, a bunch of us are trying to get stuff up and running and a
lot of this email debate is premature.

I'm all about performance.  That's one of the key drivers in writing a new
framework from scratch.  The current SDK is laden with just-in-case code.
And maybe folks will be able to debug the output without any other
assistance, but I'm pretty sure the Adobe Flex team needed help from the
AIR/IOS team on occasion to debug stuff that worked fine in the emulator but
not on the device, and I have trouble believing that there won't be a need
to occasionally step through the JS code in any of the approaches we're
coding up.  And to me, it is this 'last mile' that is also a key to success.
If it isn't efficient to find that last nasty bug, or make that one last UI
tweak, or optimize some code or memory usage, then it doesn't matter how
fast it would've run if you can't actually finish it.

Do I think line-for-line AS to JS is needed for debugging?  No, but I think
we'll have to let any users we get dictate that.  My current thinking is
that we'd add comments to the JS source (in debug mode, not in release mode)
about what line of AS you're looking at, but if it turns out we don't even
need that because folks can understand the debug JS output, then great,
we'll have saved ourselves some time.  But first, we need to get some
Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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