
> I did use the installer.
Which would of given you last release 4.9.

> The issue is that I'm trying to use the source rather than the distribution 
> for two reasons:
> 1) I wanted to look into the TLF bugs that were reported.
> 2) I need the Alert and ColorPicker components that's not in the 4.9 release.

Make a release build from the source with ant release, copy and unzip/untar the 
release and use the script in the IDE directory to make an SDK usable for Flash 
Builder or any other IDE.

>  Does the source need to be compiled before it can work?
Um yes. The source gets compiled in swcs (in the frameworks/lib directory) that 
your Flex application uses.

> I wonder if now would be a good time to try InteliJ IDEA...
You would still have the package the SDK up, your issue is not unique to just 
Flash Builder.

Hope that helps.


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