HI Justin,
I succeeded in setting up the Flex 4.9 SDK on FDT 5+. In some ways it was
very similar to your approach but I took a different route. On account of
the paucity of support for Linux in the  flash player I have most of my
workstations dual booting in Win7 and Linux Mint. The machine I tested this
on is an Asus G73. I started first by building the Flex SDK in Windows with
the SDK installer and tested the SDK in FlashBuilder 4.6 and FDT 5. Ca
Then I logged into Linux Mint. Having read your ToDo I decide to look
inside the Windows assembled Flex SDK first. It seemed like it totally
matched your directions interms of file locations and so on. I copied the
SDK across to my Linus SDK folder and plugged it into FDT5 (expecting it to
fail). Non, c'est parfait. Worked like a dream. So it seems that there is
the option to build the SDK in windows and just copy the SDK into Linux and
that's that


On 20 February 2013 03:37, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just posted on the user list but perhaps not everyone is subscribed and
> though it may be of interest.
> Looks like Linux works out of the box with very little config/downloads
> from the binary distribution.
> 1. Untar binary distribution of Apache Flex
> 2. Configure SDK
> I cheated a little here just to get it work:
> a) Copied the flex-conf.xml file from /ide/config/flex-config.xml to
> /frameworks
> b) Create the directory frameworks/libs/player/11.1 and copied the 11.1
> playerglobal.swc here.
> 3. Create file and test
> a) Created a simple mxml file consisting of an Application, a Label and a
> code block
> b) Compiled file using bin/mxml
> ./bin/mxmlc test.mxml
> Loading configuration file
> /home/ec2-user/flex/apache-flex-sdk-4.9.1-bin/frameworks/flex-config.xml
> /home/ec2-user/flex/apache-flex-sdk-4.9.1-bin/bin/test.swf (253181 bytes)
> The swf run and displayed correctly (on another machine).
> This was on a amazon linux micro instance and I was using Apache Flex
> 4.9.1 but should be no issues with 4.9.0. No environment variable were need
> and I didn't to do anything other than above! Too easy really!
> Does any committer who knows a bit more of about linux (and it various
> distributions) than me want to run with this and make Linux a fully
> supported platform for Apache Flex?
> Thanks,
> Justin

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