
> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/flex-sdk.git
> Does that contain a copy of 'trunk' or of 'branches/develop'?

If you check it out you will get trunk (or rather master). To check out do a
git checkout https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/flex-sdk.git

To switch to develop you need to make a local branch that mirrors the remote 
develop branch like so:
git checkout --track -b develop origin/develop

Then to switch (if you need) you just do a:
git checkout master
git checkout develop

(probably other ways as well)

To show branches you can:
git branch

To show status you can:
git status

(which will also show what branch you are in)

To update do:
git pull

To commit do a:
git commit

This will commit the files locally and not push the changes back to the Apache 
git server.

To push changes back to the Apache git server
git push

Hope that helps,

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