
It would be great to have docs along the line of this for our project:


Describing what commands users, committers and release managers need to be 
aware of and use in real situations.

A rough outline (and we should know most of the answers here).

1. How do I check out?
2. how do I make a patch?
3. How do I submit a patch?

1. How do I check out?
2. How do I apply a patch?
3. How to I commit/push?
4. how do I revert/rollback changes if someone made an error?
5. What should I put in JIRA?
6. How do I work on and apply a bug fix?
7. How do I work on and apply a new feature?
8. How do I work on a new feature with other people?

Release Manager
1. How do I branch to make a release?
2. How do I work out what's included in the release?
3. How do I merge fixes from develop in the release?
4. How do I tag the release?
5. How do I merge the release back into develop?
6. How do I apply hot fixes to the release?

Perhaps also a list of GIT dos and don't dos?

Anyone think of other questions? Anyone up for putting this on the wiki and 
working on it?


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