On May 28, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Greg Reddin wrote:

> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> Greg, do you think donations like these need to have a goal of being
>> integrated with Apache Flex or becoming its own project?  Personally, I'd
>> be ok with Apache Flex being a warehouse of all kinds of Flex-related code
>> even if there is no active development for it.

Donations should go through an announcement / vote process in the incubator to 
accept IP.

> There's a couple of things to consider here:
> 1) The board does not favor "umbrella" projects. Jakarta was an umbrella
> project and it contained (at one time) Struts, Tomcat, Commons, JMeter, and
> a whole bunch of Java-related projects. It became clear that the Jakarta
> community was too fragmented to get consensus so it spun off all those
> projects into TLPs. That could easily start to happen here.

Apache Commons looks like Jakarta junior already.

The Incubator has decided to only incubate TLPs.

> 2) This mailing list is already too high-traffic to follow. Practically, we
> could probably already split up the Flex project into multiple projects. It
> seems to me that folks are starting to gel around different efforts, like
> getting new releases of the SDK, vs. compilers, etc. It could be that we
> need to form new PMCs or it could be that we just need to enact
> sub-projects. But we have to be careful with sub-projects to avoid point 1
> above.
> It's hard to know where the breaking point is. Probably it has to do with
> whether the community is having a hard time pushing out releases or just
> whether it "feels" fragmented. I'm not proposing that we break up now, but
> we should probably be thinking about whether the Falcon project, for
> example, has its own distinct community from the SDK.

Which has an interesting point as there is now a podling called Falcon in the 
Incubator. This means that the name Apache Falcon is currently taken.


> Greg

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