I have run the asdoc build.xml and getting this error:

 Could not resolve <s:ViewMenuLayout> to a component implementation.

                <s:ViewMenuLayout horizontalGap="2" verticalGap="2" 

It seems to be related to the manifest issue you are talking about.

I will check later today when I have some time.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi 11 octobre 2013 08:58
À : dev@flex.apache.org
Objet : Re: ASDocs issue

On 10/10/13 11:12 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> None of the commit emails I see from you seem to mention develop 
>Look like my local develop branch was tracking release for some odd 
>reason I'll fix and merge for you.
OK, was able to reproduce the problem.  I've never worked with ASDoc, but in 
looking at the ant script, it appears there are no Flex SWCs in the process and 
everything is based on source paths.  Also, it appears that there is a separate 
namespace for mobilecomponents and that may be why this code doesn't compile, 
since the "s" in the mxml is mapped to the spark namespace which is mapped to a 
manifest that doesn't have mobile components.  But if that were true, I'd think 
there'd be lots of other failures like this.  Let me know if you get past this 
before you quit for the day otherwise I'll try to dig deeper.

>> Should I just push everything to develop then merge all of it to 
>That seems the simplest way to me.
OK, pushed and merged (I think).
>> Anything I have to watch out for?
>Given that these were done a long time ago that there no merge issues.
I'm about to shut down for the night.  I'll see what the mustella runs report 
in the morning.


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