Hi Carlos,
great work.

I found these little bugs:
 - take any input of your demo
 - fill completely
 - select all (with the mouse or ctrl+a, doesn't matter)
 - type one character
 > expected: one character at first position
 > got: two identical characters at first and second position; second
character selected/highlighted
 - take phone input of your demo
 - fill completely
 - put cursor at first position (before the separator)
 - type one number
 > expected: replace first character with new one
 > got: replaced the '+' separator with the new character
 - take customized CCC input of your demo
 - fill five characters
 > expected: separator doesn't change
 > got: separator turns black
 The separator colors sometimes look a bit strange. For instance the 'S' of
the IBAN input is darker than the 'E'.
 I'm looking at the demo from a Linux box and I'm guessing you didn't use
embedded fonts for the demo.
 There's an inconsistency when typing over already filled in characters.
 Use case 1:
  - fill a field completely
  - set cursor at first position
  - type a character
  > result: first character is replaced with new character
 Use case 2:
  - fill a field partially
  - set cursor at first position
  - type a character
  > result: all existing characters shift right one place and the new
character is written at the first position
The behaviour should at least be consistent, but I think for usabillity
"use case 1" should be the default behaviour since a text mask field is
used to fill in fixed positions.

Hope this helps and let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Kessler CTR Mark J <
mark.kessler....@usmc.mil> wrote:

> >* Regex patterns like proposed by Justin and Maxime (this will allow us to
> restrict a insertion to a Max/Min value).
> Is the regex requirement just for numbers or all input?
> -Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: carlos.rov...@gmail.com [mailto:carlos.rov...@gmail.com] On Behalf
> Of Carlos Rovira
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 7:38 PM
> To: dev@flex.apache.org
> Subject: Re: New Flex MaskedTextInput Spark Component
> Hi,
> I rewrite the MaskedTextInput component to support various important
> concepts:
> * get/set data vía "text" property (remove "rawText" property). "get" text
> remove separators and "set" text format the string to display in the
> component. I think this the most important improvement.
> * Support for more than one separator (now the property is "separators"). I
> added "-+/|()[]{}.", but I think Maxime has a more complete list that I
> will check before first commit.
> * Now the component "jumps" separator places (i.e: (+34)915.666.77.88)
> * Support for custom prompt vía new property "textMaskPrompt" (i.e:
> dd/mm/yyyy)
> * removed the need of a MaskedTextInputSkin (now using TextInputSkin and
> getCurrentSkinState)
> * remove the uppercase, so now is a CSS style using property
> typographicCase: uppercase;
> * flex life cycle is better used (commitProperties) and text is always fine
> thanks to dispatchEvent(new Event("textChanged")); both in insertion,
> override, etc...
> * bettter handling of restricted chars using TextOperationEvent.CHANGING to
> cancel the insert operation.
> * simplified the logic getting a more clean code (the Automata's logic is
> now few methods compared with old version)
> * new getter "fullText" to get a convenient method that get the text
> formatted with separators included
> * removed test validation in latest version posted (this was only for my
> testing purposes and not for a final SDK component)
> * rewrite the docs.
> I think this version is more like a 1.0 version (I need to make some
> further testing since I could consider finished but right now I could
> considere in a decent shape)
> What is not implemented yet:
> * Regex patterns like proposed by Justin and Maxime (this will allow us to
> restrict a insertion to a Max/Min value).
> * A handling of "insertion in a place" (i.e. inserting blank spaces between
> chars, or inserts directly in char at position 5). My approach is more like
> a normal text input that you can add/remove characters taking into account
> all string dragging the rest of string with the operation. Is the way I see
> in similar components in other technologies out there. Maybe this could be
> discussed or make a configuration to support both methods (i.e:
> dragMode="true/false" or something similar)
> * As I use TextOperationEvent, I think this component is not mobile
> friendly. Maybe someone could point me how we could support it as well
> (StageText,...)
> * I think copy/paste could be improved supporting "appending" text, as well
> select a piece of intermediate text and make cut, copy and paste... (this
> maybe could be added soon)
> Here is the code:
> AS3: https://gist.github.com/carlosrovira/7895322
> CSS: https://gist.github.com/carlosrovira/7895435
> (I also put the namespace to spark.components, and the Apache header)
> demo:
> http://www.carlosrovira.com/blog/spark-maskedtextinput-demo/
> Feedback is highly appreciated for this version to fix any bug before
> commit to experimental library.
> Best,
> Carlos Rovira

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