So what it looks like is happening is the XML file
(apache-flex-sdk-installer-config.xml) that has the license info etc gets
loaded remotely when the installer starts up but when the language is
changed it rebuilds the list in the license with the local version. 

I made a change to my local copy of 'apache-flex-sdk-installer-config.xml'
and my changes only show up after I change languages. Might have to update
how that part works.

I'm done for the night. I'll take a look again tomorrow when I get a chance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Mclean [] 
Sent: December-15-14 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: [4.14] testing is easy!


> What I'm seeing is this: 
> - Remoting Support (Optional)
> - Adobe Embedded Font Libraries and Utilities (Optional)

 For the 4.14RC "Remoting Support (Optional)" shouldn't be listed but is if
you change languages.


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