Even more interesting.  I deleted my compc.jar from the FalconJX build and
the FlexJS build still works.  I can’t figure out how you are getting into
this hole.

Has anyone else experienced the same issue?

Anyway, try running “ant all” again in your FalconJX build and see if that
makes the problem go away.


On 11/4/15, 9:26 AM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

>Interesting.  Looks like compc.jar is placed there by the
>flex-oem-compiler build.  Try running “ant all” in your FalconJX build and
>see if that gets you past that point.
>I’ll see if that can be smoothed out somehow.
>On 11/4/15, 12:32 AM, "Justin Mclean" <justinmcl...@me.com> wrote:
>>> That part of the build is building the AS SWC using Falcon not
>>> So check FALCON_HOME/lib for compc and falcon-flexTasks.jar
>>FALCON_HOME only has falcon-compc.jar and falcon-flexTasks.jar. There’s
>>no compc.jar in there.
>>ls $FALCON_HOME/lib
>>compiler.jar          falcon-compc.jar        falcon-optimizer.jar
>>external              falcon-flexTasks.jar    falcon-swfdump.jar
>>falcon-asc.jar                falcon-mxmlc.jar
>>> I noticed your FALCON_HOME and FALCONJX_HOME environment variables have
>>> trailing “/“. 
>>Made no difference.

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