Instead of running just ‘ant’ or ‘ant all’, you should be able to add:


and it will override what is defaulted in the build.xml

On 11/4/15, 6:59 PM, "Mark Kessler" <> wrote:

>Got it to finally build took it two more tries.
>Side bar:  I have a gripe about having to dig through build files several
>folders down to get to to run a browser other than IE.  Especially since I
>don't have IE installed on this particular machine.  Should we add a
>property that allows people to change browser used?  Or just run the SWF
>without the command in the build file and let the OS use the default
>program? The second option works in windows, not sure about Mac.

Instead of running just ‘ant’ or ‘ant all’, you should be able to add:


and it will override what is defaulted in the build.xml


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