Is there a URL we can go to and see the results of this workflow?


On 10/12/16, 5:48 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <> wrote:

>I just wanted to post, that I have finished setting up a new version of
>the Website. The source is located in the "maven-site" branch of the
>"flex-site.git" repository.
>This is a Maven build which produces the Website using the
>maven-site-plugin and the reflow-site plugin to render a responsive
>version of the website using bootstrap (Seems that this is pretty similar
>to the original version).
>I migrated all the ".cmsPage" files I needed to Markdown format and
>removed unnecessary html code inside. I think the code is a lot cleaner
>and easier to maintain.
>Currently the site does look a little different than the original, but
>I'm no CSS guru. I invested about 5 full days in migrating things to the
>current point and think we should start discussing if fine-tuning makes
>sense (I don't see any sense in investing more time and then we decide
>not to use it)
>The current workflow is that you checkout the "maven-site" branch
>(eventually apply your changes) and do a "mvn clean site" build. This
>will produce the website content in the "target/site" directory. Here you
>can have a look at the content which is produced. If you are satisfied
>with your changes, you commit and push them and a buildbot build-job I
>configured (what was quite a task) will run the same build and push the
>generated content to the "asf-site" branch in the same git repo
>(Currently you should be able to have a look at the generated content, by
>checking out that branch).
>As soon as we are happy with the new version, all we have to do is to
>tell Infra to sync the "asf-site" branch with their website repo and the
>website is online.
>I also documented the procedure of auto-building the website on the
>website itself as an additional page under Documentation "Contributing to
>the Flex Website".
>So I'm ready for some feedback ;-)

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