
I just committed a change: 3f4d5edcef3a519fd470c2622cbd60118d83b579

Is a change in MDL Button class to manage changes of classes with
classList. I'm pretty happy with the results since:

1.- the resulting html code is perfect. Before there was some preceding
whitespaces in html class generated code.
2.- Now if I change at runtime the classList API makes easy to add/remove
class. (side note: in MDL sometimes is not as easy as remove or add a class
since MDL could introduced more tags...but is part of the solution to be
able to make runtime changes of behaviors associated to css classes).

In the other hand, things that could be bad (or not), this is the official
compatibility table of MDL browser support:

Browser Support in v1
IE9IE10IE11ChromeOperaFirefoxSafariChrome (Android)Mobile Safari

A-grade browsers are fully supported. B-grade browsers will gracefully
degrade to our CSS-only experience.
So it seems IE9 should not be a problem since the support is B type

So in order to extend the classList changes to the rest of MDL framework in
FlexJS, I'm motivated to do so, but hope you could share your thoughts here.

What is clear is that className management is a nightmare in the current
state and we need something like this, maybe not only in MDL but in the
rest of FlexJS.

Thanks for your thoughts

Carlos Rovira

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