excelent Peter! I'll be waiting for this :)

2016-12-02 15:47 GMT+01:00 Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com>:

> I will be looking into this, this morning (shortly). Just for background:
> The ListView creates two things: an outer containment area (div) to house
> the chrome (scroll bars, title bars, footer bars, etc) and the content
> area (ContainerContentArea).
> When we first set this up, the JS side wasn't supposed to create two
> things since scroll bars are handled by the browser. But when we decided
> there were other "chrome" pieces, the nesting happened.
> If things are set up right, just making something an ILayoutHost the
> returns itself as the content area should be enough; its what I did for
> the MXMLItemRenderer (it is both ILayoutHost and ILayoutParent). The
> ILayoutHost is the object which returns which of its children (or itself)
> is the ILayoutParent. The ILayoutParent is the thing which will be the
> parent of all of the ILayoutChild objects.
> I will put an example together today which shows a simpler List without
> the nesting.
> ‹peter
> On 12/1/16, 7:40 PM, "Peter Ent" <p...@adobe.com> wrote:
> >I'll look into this tomorrow.
> >
> >Peter
> >
> >
> >On Dec 1, 2016, at 7:09 PM, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >
> >>>
> >>> Anyway, Peter might be able to better answer your question, but it
> >>>appears
> >>> that if you create some new subclass of UIBase and have it return
> >>>'this'
> >>> for layoutHost and contentView, that the ListView might then just stick
> >>> the children in the outer div.  See how MXMLItemRenderer (which I
> >>> mentioned upthread) differs from ListBase in that way.  There might be
> >>> some bugs to iron out, but that's my understanding of how it is
> >>>supposed
> >>> to work.
> >>>
> >>> -Alex
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Peter as Alex says you could be of great help here, hope you could help
> >> getting a simple example since I think is crucial for MDL List component
> >> (and other comps that uses the same behaviour).
> >>
> >> I'll try to investigate about layoutHost and contentView as Alex
> >>mention to
> >> be able to remove the middle div layer that List View generates. My
> >>target
> >> is to get a List that throws:
> >>
> >> <ul>
> >>   <li/>
> >>   <li/>
> >> </ul>
> >>
> >> and <li/> elements data will be provided by a dataProvider Array and the
> >> layout (the li or whatever we want) by an itemRenderer.
> >>
> >> As I get this I'll update some MDL comps that will benefit from this
> >> refactor a part from List (TabBar, NavigationBar,...)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Carlos Rovira
> >> http://about.me/carlosrovira


Carlos Rovira
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M: +34 607 22 60 05

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