On 3/4/17, 1:11 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

>Hi Alex,
>If you have a flexjs module, that produces just the JavaScript, you need
>to configure another plugin to pack that up as a war archive as maven
>doesn’t support directories as build artifacts.
>So you would need to add that (see the output of the archetype for pure
>JS applications). In the case of the other native application that
>shouldn’t produce an SWF, just set
>“<outputJavaScript>true</outputJavaScript>” … If you like, I could give
>you a hand on this … would I need just the dual branch of the asjs or
>from all modules?

It would be great if you would deal with this.  You will need the dual
branch from flex-falcon and flex-asjs,  Flex-typedefs doesn't have a dual

I think the WAR package is already in the process since if you have a SWF,
it appears some later step creates the WAR.  I'm assuming that because the
SWF artifact doesn't exist the build fails before getting to the WAR step.

My hope is that folks can easily switch between generating just SWF
output, just JS output, or both.  There is a new compiler.targets option
that drives that, and I've taken out the outputJavaScript option.  Maybe
that's not the Maven way, but this way folks don't have to configure a
second execution with the outputJavaScript option on.


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