
> I was able to build it in VSCode and wanted to create Maven build.
> Unfortunately build is failing [1] and I'm not sure why. - If someone could
> take a look whether my "pom" [2] is ok.

Looks to be the same issue as I was having with with Jenkins setup the other 

It fixed itself the next day - perhaps try a -U?

> Additionally I bump into idea that his example could be really valuable -
> I've asked him whether he is willing to donate it and he agreed to do this.

Not required but nice if he could sign an ICLA.

> I think we won't have problem with his code, but what about with his
> PureMVC.swc - it has been created from source of original PureMVC which
> under Apache License. 

It’s not under Apache license but BSD AFAICS [1] That’s allowed but you'll need 
to add info to LICENSE as per [3].

Just curious why did you think it was under ASL 2.0?

> My first thought was that we could download from somewhere his PureMVC
> during build as we are doing it with some dependencies in our framework

You can find it here if you were looking [2] or perhaps we could ask PureMVC to 
publish to maven central like they do for PurePMC java? [4]


1. https://github.com/PureMVC/puremvc-as3-standard-framework/blob/master/LICENSE
2. https://github.com/PureMVC/puremvc-as3-standard-framework/tree/master/bin
3. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#permissive-deps
4. https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.puremvc

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