I feel like I'm not grasping some concept. Seems to be that

a) you would want at least two points in a MouseEvent: the screen position
and the local position that is relative to the event.target. You could
derive one from the other but why go through that hassle when both
platforms provide that, as far as I can tell.
b) you would want to know other conditions such as which button is used,
if it is up, down, or moved (either with or without a button pressed), if
any keyboard key was also pressed at the same time.

I don't see why computations need to be made unless some value in one
platform is unavailable and needs to be calculated, but I don't see any
that fall into this category.

Having FlexJS MouseEvent extend a platform event class seems to have it
drawbacks, but it also makes the event work in the current system, so I
would let that go. 

What's disturbing is that events like Mouse and Keyboard and pretty
fundamental and it seems very late in the game that we are discussing
this. I can probably do what I need to do with DnD with what's there, but
it is just exposing a fundamental issue to me.


On 7/25/17, 3:08 PM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I¹m personally not sure that MouseEvent actually works. Any case of
>MouseEvents in the Framework actually dispatch BrowserEvents. The only
>exception to this case that you will currently find is in TLF where there
>is code which generates MouseEvents from points.
>Check out my browser-event branch for my attempt to make MouseEvents and
>KeyboardEvents behave the way you¹d expect.
>I¹m currently struggling with figuring out how to make artificially
>created MouseEvents behave properly. Maybe we should compare notesŠ
>> On Jul 25, 2017, at 9:49 PM, Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com.INVALID> wrote:
>> I've been doing work with Drag and Drop and that involves mouse events.
>>I'm wondering if someone could give me a history on the Apache FlexJS
>>MouseEvent? Specially, its use of localX/Y and screenX/Y.
>> I'm wondering why the platform implements do not simply assign their
>>version of screenX/Y as the screenX/Y values instead of the screenX/Y
>>being getter functions?
>> I've run into cases where the localX/Y == screenX/Y in the FlexJS
>>MouseEvent but the original event had different values.
>> Why would we not want the FlexJS MouseEvent to reflect the platform's
>>mouse event values?
>> SWF: flexJSMouseEvent.screenX = swfMouseEvent.stageX;
>> JS: flexJSMouseEvent.screenX = jsMouseEvent.pageX;
>> Thanks.
>> Peter Ent
>> Adobe Systems/Apache Flex Project

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