
I am trying to setup flink with yarn on MapR. I built flink using the following 
command and build finished successfully.

mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pvendor-repos -Dhadoop.version=2.7.0-mapr-1607 

Now when I try to start yarn session I am seeing the below error

2016-11-10 16:03:07,795 DEBUG 
org.apache.flink.runtime.security.JaasConfiguration           - JAAS 
configuration requested for the application entry: hadoop_simple
Debug is  true storeKey false useTicketCache true useKeyTab false doNotPrompt 
true ticketCache is null isInitiator true KeyTab is null refreshKrb5Config is 
false principal is null tryFirstPass is false useFirstPass is false storePass 
is false clearPass is false
Acquire TGT from Cache
>>>KinitOptions cache name is /tmp/krb5cc_0
Principal is null
null credentials from Ticket Cache
                [Krb5LoginModule] authentication failed 
Unable to obtain Principal Name for authentication 
2016-11-10 16:03:07,803 DEBUG org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation   
            - failure to login
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Unable to obtain Principal Name for 

I am not sure why it is trying to use kerberos for authentication. The cluster 
is an unsecure cluster and I did not enable kerberos. 

I also tried running yarn session by directly downloading flink package for 
hadoop 2.7 on MapR and it complains the scheme is file. I could not figure out 
how to change it to MapR FS.

Could you please help me on this.


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