Hi Alexey,

thanks for looking into it. Are we currently facing any problems with Netty
4.0.27 (bugs or performance)? I agree that in general we should try to use
the latest bug fix release. However, in the past we have seen that they
might entail some slight behaviour changes which breaks things on the Flink
side. Since Netty is quite crucial for Flink, I would be extra careful here
when bumping versions, especially if there is no strong need for it.

However, if we do the change at the beginning of the next release cycle, we
might have enough exposure time to verify whether things work or not.


On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Alexey Demin <diomi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> For now we use very old netty version.
> Netty 4.0.27.Final released on 02-Apr-15
> <!-- Don't upgrade for now. Netty versions >= 4.0.28.Final
> contain an improvement by Netty, which slices a Netty buffer
> instead of doing a memory copy [1] in the
> LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder. In some situations, this
> interacts badly with our Netty pipeline leading to OutOfMemory
> errors.
> [1] https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/3704 -->
> If we so worry about slice in LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder we can add
> custom
> LengthFieldBasedCopyFrameDecoder which extend original
> LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder and override extractFrame for keep current
> behavior.
> With this small changes we can update for last 4.0.x.
> For now LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder also used in KvStateClient and
> KvStateServer.
> Can we keep use original LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder or must also change
> on LengthFieldBasedCopyFrameDecoder?
> If we want we can migrate on 4.1.
> I already did tests and all work correctly, small changes in
> NettyBufferPool.java and ChunkedByteBuf.java is required (implement new
> method which added to interface).
> Thanks
> Alexey Diomin

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