Hi everybody,

Shaoxuan, Timo, and I compiled a list of features from the replies to this
thread, features that didn't make it into 1.3, and some additional ones.
We also graded them by importance, tried to assess the effort, and added
links to JIRAs (some existed already others were created) and existing PRs.

Please have a look at the list and give feedback if you want to add a
feature to the list or do not agree with the importance or effort
assessment either by replying to this thread or commenting on the document.

-> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I7YuF6lfxyuyPIve_


2017-06-21 23:55 GMT+02:00 Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Haohui,
> thanks for your input!
> Can you describe the semantics of the join you'd like to see in Flink 1.4?
> I can think of three types of joins that match your description:
> 1) `table` is an external table stored in an external database (redis,
> cassandra, MySQL, etc) and we join with the current value that is in that
> table. This could be implemented with an async TableFunction (based on
> Flink's AsyncFunction).
> 2) `table` is static: In this case we need support for side-inputs to read
> the whole table before starting to process the other (streaming) side.
> There is a FLIP [1] for side inputs. I don't know what's the status of this
> feature though.
> 3) `table` changing and each record of the stream should be joined with
> the most recent update (but no future updates). In this case, the query is
> more complex to express and requires some time-bound logic which is quite
> cumbersome to express in SQL. I think this is a very important type of
> join, but IMO it is more challenging to implement than the other joins. We
> had also a discussion about this type of join on the dev ML a few months
> back [2].
> Which type of join are you looking for (external table, static table,
> dynamic table)?
> Regarding the bottleneck of committers, the situation should become a bit
> better in the near future as we have two committer more working on the
> relational APIs (Jark is spending more time here and Shaoxuan recently
> became a committer). However, we will of course continue to encourage and
> help contributors to earn the merits to become committers and grow the
> number of committers.
> Thank you very much,
> Fabian
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-
> 17+Side+Inputs+for+DataStream+API
> [2] http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.
> nabble.com/STREAM-SQL-inner-queries-tp15585.html

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