Hi Timo,

Thanks a lot for sharing the solution so quickly. I have left some comments on 
the JIRA page mainly about the backwards compatibility. Looking forward to your 


> 在 2018年12月11日,下午10:48,Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> 写道:
> Hi Dian,
> I proposed a solution that should be backwards compatible and solves our 
> Maven dependency problems in the corresponding issue.
> I'm happy about feedback.
> Regards,
> Timo
> Am 11.12.18 um 11:23 schrieb fudian.fd:
>> Hi Timo,
>> Thanks a lot for your reply. I think the cause to this problem is that 
>> TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment() returns the actual TableEnvironment 
>> implementations instead of an interface or an abstract base class. Even the 
>> porting of FLINK-11067 is done, I'm afraid that the problem may still exist. 
>> For example, for batch TableEnvironment, both java.BatchTableEnvironment and 
>> api.BatchTableEnvironment may be prompted for import. Could you share more 
>> information about what you want to do with the 7 TableEnvironments in 
>> FLINK-11067? Especially api.BatchTableEnvironment, 
>> api.StreamTableEnvironment and TableEnvironment.
>> Thanks,
>> Dian
>>> 在 2018年12月11日,下午3:41,jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>> Hi Xuefu,
>>> Thanks for your feedback, and mention the compatibility issues.
>>> You are right the change will result version incompatibility. And we my
>>> plan it's will be released in the version of 1.8.x.
>>> To be frank, we have considered the compatibility approach, which is to
>>> retain the current TableEnvironment, and then create a new one, such as
>>> "GeneralTableEnvironment" for unified abstraction, and then Deprecated the
>>> TableEnvironment. But we feel that the code is not clean enough, and the
>>> long-term goal is that we need to make StreamTableEnvironment and
>>> BatchTableEnvironment transparent to the user, so I tend to release this
>>> change in 1.8.x, keeping the status quo in 1.7.x. What do you think? Any
>>> feedback is welcome!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jincheng
>>> Zhang, Xuefu <xuef...@alibaba-inc.com> 于2018年12月11日周二 下午1:13写道:
>>>> Hi Jincheng,
>>>> Thanks for bringing this up. It seems making good sense to me. However,
>>>> one concern I have is about backward compatibility. Could you clarify
>>>> whether existing user program will break with the proposed changes?
>>>> The answer to the question would largely determine when this can be
>>>> introduced.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Xuefu
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Sender:jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com>
>>>> Sent at:2018 Dec 10 (Mon) 18:14
>>>> Recipient:dev <dev@flink.apache.org>
>>>> Subject:[DISCUSS] Enhance convenience of TableEnvironment in TableAPI/SQL
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> According to the feedback from users, the design of TableEnvironment is
>>>> very inconvenient for users, and often mistakenly imported by IDE,
>>>> especially for Java users, such as:
>>>> ExecutionEnvironment env = ...BatchTableEnvironment tEnv =
>>>> TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env);
>>>> The user does not know which BatchTableEnvironment should be imported,
>>>> because there are three implementations of BatchTableEnvironment, shown as
>>>> below:
>>>> 1. org.apache.flink.table.api.BatchTableEnvironment 2.
>>>> org.apache.flink.table.api.java.BatchTableEnvironment 3.
>>>> org.apache.flink.table.api.scala.BatchTableEnvironment
>>>> [image.png]
>>>> This brings unnecessary inconveniences to the flink user. To solve this
>>>> problem, Wei Zhong, Hequn Cheng, Dian Fu, Shaoxuan Wang and myself
>>>> discussed offline a bit and propose to change the inheritance diagram of
>>>> TableEnvironment is shown as follows:
>>>> 1. AbstractTaleEnvironment - rename current TableEnvironment to
>>>> AbstractTableEnvironment, The functionality implemented by Abstract
>>>> TableEnvironment is stream and batch shared.2. TableEnvironment - Create a
>>>> new TableEnvironment(abstract), and defined all methods in
>>>> (java/scala)StreamTableEnvironment and (java/scala)BatchTableEnvironment.
>>>> In the implementation of BatchTableEnviroment and StreamTableEnviroment,
>>>> the unsupported operations will be reported as an error.
>>>> [image.png]
>>>> Then the usage as follows:
>>>> ExecutionEnvironment env = …TableEnvironment tEnv =
>>>> TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env)
>>>> For detailed proposals please refer to the Google doc:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t-AUGuaChADddyJi6e0WLsTDEnf9ZkupvvBiQ4yTTEI/edit?usp=sharing
>>>> Any mail feedback and Google doc comment are welcome.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jincheng

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