Thanks for setting this up, Konstantin. +1

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 11:16 AM Konstantin Knauf <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> all of the Jira Bot rules are live now. Particularly in the beginning the
> Jira Bot will be very active, because the rules apply to a lot of old,
> stale tickets. So, if you get a huge amount of emails from the Flink Jira
> Bot right now, this will get better. In any case, the Flink Jira Bot (or
> the rules that it implements) demand some changes to how we work with Jira.
> Here are a few points to make this transition easier for us:
> *1) Retrospective*
> In 3-4 weeks I would like to collect feedback. What is working well? What
> is not working well or getting in your way? Is the bot moving us closer to
> the goals mentioned in the initial email? Specifically, the
> initial parameterization [1] of the bot was kind of an educated guess. I
> will open a [DISCUSS]ion thread to collect feedback and proposals for
> changes around that time.
> *2) Use Sub-Tasks*
> The bot will ask you for an update on assigned tickets after quite a short
> time for Flink standards. If you are working on a ticket that takes longer,
> consider splitting it up in Sub-Tasks. Activity on Sub-Tasks counts as
> activity for the parent ticket, too. So, as long as any subtask is moving
> along you won't be nagged by the bot.
> *3) Useful Filters*
> You've probably received a lot of emails already, in particular if you are
> watching many tickets. Here are a few JIRA filters to find the tickets,
> that are probably most important to you and have been updated by the bot:
> Tickets that *you are assigned to*, which are "stale-assigned"
> Tickets that *you reported*, which are stale in anyway:
> If you are a maintainer of some components, you might find the following
> filters useful (replace with your own components):
> *All tickets that are about to be closed*
> project = FLINK AND component in ("Build System", "BuildSystem / Shaded",
> "Deployment / Kubernetes", "Deployment / Mesos", "Deployment / YARN",
> flink-docker, "Release System", "Runtime / Coordination", "Runtime /
> Metrics", "Runtime / Queryable State", "Runtime / REST", Travis) AND
> resolution = Unresolved AND labels in (stale-minor)
> *Bugs that are about to be deprioritized or closed*
> project = FLINK AND type = BUG AND component in ("Build System",
> "BuildSystem / Shaded", "Deployment / Kubernetes", "Deployment / Mesos",
> "Deployment / YARN", flink-docker, "Release System", "Runtime /
> Coordination", "Runtime / Metrics", "Runtime / Queryable State", "Runtime /
> REST", Travis) AND resolution = Unresolved AND labels in (stale-major,
> stale-blocker, stale-critical, stale-minor)
> *Tickets that are stale-assigned, but already have a PR available*project
> = FLINK AND component in ("Build System", "BuildSystem / Shaded",
> "Deployment / Kubernetes", "Deployment / Mesos", "Deployment / YARN",
> flink-docker, "Release System", "Runtime / Coordination", "Runtime /
> Metrics", "Runtime / Queryable State", "Runtime / REST", Travis) AND
> resolution = Unresolved AND labels in (stale-assigned) AND labels in
> (pull-request-available)
> Cheers,
> Konstantin
> [1]
> --
> Konstantin Knauf

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