I am starting a vote to update the "Update Policy for old releases" [1] to
include additional bugfix support for end of life versions.

As per the discussion thread [2], the change we are voting on is:
- Support policy: updated to include: "Upon release of a new Flink minor
version, the community will perform one final bugfix release for resolved
critical/blocker issues in the Flink minor version losing support."
- Release process: add a step to start the discussion thread for the final
patch version, if there are resolved critical/blocking issues to flush.

Voting schema: since our bylaws [3] do not cover this particular scenario,
and releases require PMC involvement, we will use a consensus vote with PMC
binding votes.


[1] https://flink.apache.org/downloads.html#update-policy-for-old-releases
[2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/szq23kr3rlkm80rw7k9n95js5vqpsnbv
[3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Flink+Bylaws

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