Hello flink devs,

My name is Daniel, I'm the tech lead for Google's Pub/Sub Lite streaming
system, which is a lower cost streaming data system with semantics more
similar to OSS streaming solutions. I've authored a source and sink
connector for flink and load tested it at GiB/s scale- what would be the
process for contributing this to flink?

I've opened a JIRA to do this
https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues/FLINK-31229, if this
seems like a reasonable thing to do could someone assign it to me?

The code for the connector currently lives here
https://github.com/googleapis/java-pubsublite-flink, I believe it is
following the FLIP-27 guidelines, but please let me know if I'm
implementing the wrong interfaces. Which repo and in what folder should I
move this code into?


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