Ross Gardler wrote:
> Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> >Ross Gardler wrote:
> >
> >>Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> >>
> >>>If somebody have some spare time and want to help us with the "2nd
> >>>generation skinning" you can:
> >>
> >>I will certainly be helping out, but not until 0.7 is released. Once
> >>that is done this is right at the top of my ToDo list.

Yep, getting 0.7 out is my priority too. I am trying
to resist the urge to look at new stuff and instead

> >Dude, no hurries. 
> >
> >You know more or less know what I am trying to do. Now I need more
> >devs/user and committer (junior/senior) looking in the stuff and give
> >me/us feedback.
> >
> >I think it would be a good idea to plan the view/leather as default
> >skinning mechanism for 0.8. That would makes it possible to develop the
> >skinning engine for 0.9 and have a stable version on our 1.0. :)
> I'd be +1 for this, especially since you have stated that your goal is 
> to make the new system use an XHTML internal format, which is already a 
> 0.8 deliverable.
> >...but for that I need some eyes on the code and NOT ONLY yours and
> >mine!!! Actually I wish especially that Nicola would have a look and
> >play devils advocate. ;-)
> I noticed a Blog from Nicola recently saying he has stopped getting 
> involved with too many planning discussions as he has found himself too 
> distracted. He also mentioned he unsubscribed from lots of lists. I hope 
> this wasn't one of them. Nicola, being Nicola, if he is here he'll have 
> filters to pick, out emails with his name in, so if we mention Nicola a 
> few times, maybe by his alternative moniker of Nicola Ken, he might get 
> flagged by his filter systems.
> Nicola Ken, we need your input (you don't need to volunteer for anything 
> or code anything - and we'll be happy to give you a catch-up mail ;-)
> OK, if that doesn't work - then he's gone for a while (I'm resisting 
> sending a personal mail...)

I too hope that works, but don't rely on anyone,
not saying that Nicola Ken isn't.


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