On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 10:42 +0200, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote: 
> Ben Laurie wrote:
> ...
> > Cocoon wanted an extra day on the hackathon - unfortunately, the venue 
> > isn't ours for an extra day, so I couldn't do that. If lots of people 
> > wanted an extra day, then I'd happily organise an alternate venue.
> > 
> > They decided to organise the extra day themselves.
> It would be cool to get together on this! WDOT?

I got an answer from torsten, his question is:
How many people would be for a sunday hackathon is the question...

Thinking about the dates and the stuff I would like to do there with you
guys here are some concrete thoughts.

I would be up for the two days hackaton and an extended BOF session.

cocoon/forrest- hackaton
Torsten Curdt has a room and passed my details to a possible sponsor for
a room. He wants to know how many people want to attend this happening. 
I thought we can have here a small introduction of forrest and then go
hacking. :) 

ASF hackaton
Would be nice to attend that if possible with as many forrest committer
as possible. Here we could hack together some mayor features for forrest
because we could talk face to face and coordination should be easy.

non-registered BOF session
The workshop that Ferdinand suggested. Johannes was trying to contact
the university which sounds pretty well and offered room in his company.
Is there are good public transportation connection to where you work?
Maybe there are as well some students interested to attend it.

registered BOF session
Like the non-registered BOF session but organized by the ASF.

Possible timeline:
17.07 - sunday - cocoon/forrest- hackaton
18.08 - monday - ASF hackaton
19.08 - tuesday - (non-)registered BOF session



"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

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