David Crossley wrote:
Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

David Crossley wrote:
I find this very alarming. Some people at Infrastructure are
trying to get a cross-project environment established for managing
documentation tools and site-building. All PMCs were asked to
join and discuss this. Some people have, but mainly the process
has stalled again.

Because it's discussion instead of DIY.

Necessary discussion. The main issue was/is trying to solve how
ASF projects can conduct oversight of the content, how the tools
would get maintained, and oversight of the publishing process.
That is a requirement.

But it's not a requirement that experimentation stops in the meantime.

You have called this "alarming", I disagree. I would be alarmed if, once the rules are decided, people would not want to follow them. But before that, stopping things is only harmful.

As soon as new needs come out from site-dev, please relay them here, so that we can make the system compliant with the requirements.

Instead we see projects like Cocoon rushing off to do their
own thing. Now we will get duplicate instances of Daisy/Forrest.

I find it very constructive that people are rushing to make it work. Consolidation can come later.

Good in theory. In my OSS experience "consolidation" never happens.
People rush on to the next new thing.

In my -personal- experience, discussions rarely lead to action.

How long have I talked about the locationmap? Have I ever done anything concrete on it? How long has the Doco document been waiting? How much time has passed since the first mail on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Would it be better just to see this as an experiment, and not (yet) really move the docs there till we have a vote with a working system and a plan?

Perhaps we should start with a specific set of user-oriented
documents, and leave the core docs in the current system.

We can start using it as a "super wiki", I agree.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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