On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 06:52:28PM +0200, Vicent Mas wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:09 PM, David Crossley <cross...@apache.org> wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 01:48:58PM +0200, Vicent Mas wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm trying to build a website with forrest 0.10 and the dispatcher
> >> plugin. My current problem is that all my customizations are ignored. For
> >> instance, if I change the copyright in a footer it is not updated. I've 
> >> used
> >> the Dispatcher Quickstart (version 0.8 is the most modern version I found) 
> >> as
> >> a guide when possible.
> >
> > Not sure what you mean regarding "version 0.8".
> I mean this document:
> http://forrest.apache.org/pluginDocs/plugins_0_80/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher/how/howto-dispatcher-quickstart.html

Ah. When using the "dev" version of Forrest, should use the local docs.

> > The current, but perhaps out-of-date, document is in the plugin's docs.
> > Do this:
> >  cd whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher
> >  forrest run
> >  http://localhost:8888/how/howto-dispatcher-quickstart.html
> I've done it but I get a "Resource not found error".

That is very strange. It works locally for me.

Perhaps you need to clean your Forrest setup.
(Of course replace with Windows-specific commands.)
 cd $FORREST_HOME/main
 ./build.sh clean

Not sure what is needed to clean the Dispatcher plugin,
so do this:
 forrest clean
 $FORREST_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant clean

Then do:
 forrest run
which should automatically build and deploy the Dispatcher plugin,
and the other plugins that it uses, from the local dev sources.
During that process the "get-local" Ant task should be indicating
that it is using the local sources.

> Anyway I've found
> the xml version of the document and the content seems to correspond to
> the document I mention above. The document talks about an
> org.apache.forrest.themes.core plugin that I'm unable to find and also
> about a pelt.fv file in that plugin, so I am lost.

Yes, because no-one has managed to update those docs yet.

As Sjur explained that old supporting plugin is not used anymore.


> > (Patches welcome :-)
> I wish I was able to patch it :-) Thanks once more for your help.
> > I am hoping that someone who knows more can help you with
> > the rest, e.g. Thorsten, Cyriaque, Brian, etc.
> >
> > -David
> >
> >> The current structure of my website is as follows (best
> >> read with a monospace font):
> >>
> >> forrest
> >>   |-forrest.properties
> >>   |-forrest.properties.dispatcher.properties
> >>   |-forrest.properties.xml
> >>   |-build
> >>   |-src
> >>     |-documentation
> >>  |-Readme.txt
> >>  |-sitemap.xmap
> >>  |-skinconf.xml
> >>  |-classes
> >>  |-conf
> >>  |-translations
> >>  |-content
> >>  |  |-xdocs
> >>  |    |-site.xml
> >>  |    |-tabs.xml
> >>  |    |-index.xml
> >>  |    |-files and folders with the website content
> >>  |-resources
> >>    |-images
> >> |-schema
> >> |-structurer
> >> |  |-url
> >> |    |-screenshots
> >> |      |-index.structurer.xml (customize the html view of the
> >> screenshots/index.html page)
> >> |
> >> |-stylesheets
> >> |-themes
> >>  |-common
> >>  |  |-html
> >>  |    |- a bunch of customized contracts
> >>  |-pelt
> >>  |  |-css
> >>  |  |-images
> >>  |  |-panels
> >>  |    |-pelt-css.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.content.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.footer.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.head.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.header.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.leftbar.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.nav-main.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.panel.xml
> >>  |    |-pelt-html.screeshots_head.panel.xml (used in
> >>  |                                           index.structurer.xml)
> >>  |-common.structurer.xml
> >>  |-pelt.structurer.xml
> >>
> >> The content of the $THEMES folder has been copied from
> >> $FORREST_HOME/whiteboard/plugins/org.apache.forrest.plugin.internal.dispatcher/themer/themes
> >> in order to customise (adding/removing contracts or using my own contracts)
> >> how website pages are rendered.
> >> The $STRUCTURER folder allows to customize a given page differently to the
> >> bulk of pages.
> >>
> >> The above hierarchy worked in the past (when 0.9 was the development
> >> version) but currently it fails with both 0.9 stable and 0.10 development
> >> versions:
> >> - with 0.9 version I get the error explained in one of my previous mails
> >>   (Subject: Building my website with forrest 0.9. Thanks again to
> >> David Crossley for his help)
> >> - with 0.10 version my customizations are silently ignored but at least the
> >>   website is displayed
> >>
> >> It seems that my best chance is to use forrest 0.10.
> >>
> >> Could somebody tell me how should I customise my website with the 
> >> dispatcher
> >> and the 0.10 version please? I am really stuck.
> >>
> >> TIA (and sorry for the lengthy mail).
> >>
> >> Vicent
> Vicent
> -- 
> Share what you know, learn what you don't.