Now https works, and only the cron job and documenting things on the
cwiki is missing (the copy-paste cron script mostly, I guess).

Thursday, May 17, 2018, 7:47:20 PM, Daniel Dekany wrote:

> Thursday, May 17, 2018, 3:05:02 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>> Le 17/05/2018 à 09:04, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>> Le 16/05/2018 à 22:26, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
>>>> When I read the content in my local Git repo it's commented out. I guess I 
>>>> should manually change it on the VM and restart the app with Gradle?
>>>> As it's a bit late already, I let you handle this last part ;)
>>> OK I remember now that you documented the app restart at
>>> I'll do so now and will have a look at the code change for the renew
>>> Jacques
>> I have just changed the file according to my previous message, ie modified to
>>          keyStorePath: /etc/letsencrypt/live/certificate.p12
>>          keyStorePassword: HTTPDisUnnecessary
>> and also while at it (not sure we want that)
>>          validateCerts: true
>> But after setting the iptables for 443-8443 (v4 and v6), saving the
>> change and restarting the app it did not work:
>> May 17 11:51:06 freemarker-vm systemd[1]: Stopped FreeMarker Online Tester.
>> May 17 11:51:06 freemarker-vm systemd[1]: Started FreeMarker Online Tester.
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:
>> MultiException[java.lang.IllegalStateException: no valid keystore,
>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: no
> That was because the service had no right to read the parent directory
> of the p12 file. (Yeah, that error message is not very helpful...) I
> have fixed that. So now the only problem we have what I said in the
> other mail. And we will need the cron script... or maybe a systemd
> timer unit instead.
>> valid keystore, java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: 
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at
>> May 17 11:52:10 freemarker-vm java[14009]:         at 
>> org.apache.freemarker.onlinetester.dropwizard.FreeMarkerOnlineTester.main(
>> So I commented out the HTTPS part
>>      #      # FOR PRODUCTION:
>>      #      - type: https
>>      #        port: 8443
>>      #        keyStorePath: /etc/letsencrypt/live/certificate.p12
>>      #        keyStoreType: PKCS12
>>      #        keyStorePassword: HTTPDisUnnecessary
>>      #        validateCerts: true
>> and restarted the app
>> Now works again, but no longer
>> which is redirected to
>> I don't understand the redirect. Does have this changed before my change? I 
>> don't know.
>> I have double-checked, thought I have not reverted the config yet, HTTPD is 
>> no longer working.
>> Maybe it's due to the certificate (created for a.o) but I can't see
>> how DropWizard would now relate to it, since
>>      keyStorePath: /etc/letsencrypt/live/certificate.p12
>> and the whole HTTPS block, is commented out :/
>> I'll get back to that later...
>> Jacques

 Daniel Dekany

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