Hi Daniel,

Doing so...


Le 16/08/2019 à 09:37, Daniel Dekany a écrit :
Thank you for the votes so far! With my vote we will have the required 3
PMC votes, so no problem there, but if anyone else intends to test the
release, please indicate it. Like, if OFBiz test suite tests lot of
templates, that's maybe a useful to try.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 12:54 AM Daniel Dekany <ddek...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Please vote on releasing FreeMarker 2.3.29!

As there were changes in the last few days, don't skip testing with
your dependent
projects, even if you already did it recently.

Release Notes:

Before proceed, you should know that FreeMarker 2.3.x, for a long
time, always releases a normal and a "gae" variant on the same time,
which are technically two independent source trees (Git branches). The
"gae" variant contains a few small modification in the Java source
code to be Google App Engine compliant, and has freemarker-gae as the
Maven artifact name. Otherwise the normal and the "gae" branches are
identical. Hence they will be voted on together.

The commits to be voted upon are:
- Normal (non-gae) variant:

   Commit hash: f70ac39487a7f0dc3ab693d36b9798ebf4456c7f
- "gae" variant:

   Commit hash: f87eb85972c331a5ca1ff065e8865cb984d769bb

The artifacts to be voted upon are located here:
where the source release artifacts are:
- Normal (non-gae) variant:
- "gae" variant:

See the README.md inside them for build instructions!

The release artifacts are signed with the following key:

For convenience, we also provide binaries, which also need to be checked:
and Maven artifacts in the ASF Staging Repository:


Please try out the package and vote!

The vote is open for a minimum of 72 hours or until the necessary number of
votes (3 binding +1s) is reached.

[ ] +1 Release this package as Apache FreeMarker 2.3.29
[ ]  0 I don't feel strongly about it, but I'm okay with the release
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...

Please add "(binding)" if your vote is binding.

  Daniel Dekany

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