Hi Siegfried,

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 5:06 AM Siegfried Goeschl
<siegfried.goes...@gmail.com> wrote:
---8<--- snip --->8---
> Regarding remarks (improvement ideas)
> Having an easy way to add custom tools would be nice but a bit tricky

Right. I was imagining a Spring Boot based app which can take
advantage of extra libraries loading, application configuration,
executable jar distribution, etc. But I admit that I didn't consider
all different environment issues.
So, I'm not suggesting we should adopt something like spring-boot
right now, but just want to share what I was thinking below.

> * How to pick up custom tools - config file versus class path scanning? What 
> dependencies to pull in?

As the current tool objects such as XmlTool are just POJO beans, it
seems nice if we can configure extra beans _easily_.
In spring-boot apps, we can provide (a) the default application
configuration file (e.g, application.yaml), (b) people can override
some properties through command line (e.g,
"-Dtools=com.example.tools.MyTool,com.example.tools.MyTool2"), or (c)
they can replace the whole configuration file through command line
(e.g, --spring.config.location=my.yaml).
And spring-boot allows to specify extra classpah too. i.e, java
-Dloader.path="mylib/" ...

I'm not sure yet whether this kind of approach - simple executable jar
with depending on the framework's feature - may bring other drawbacks
that do not exist with your current solution.

Please share what you think - pros and cons.



> * How to integrate custom libs with the generated wrapper scripts - I would 
> like to cleanly separate out-of-the-box freemarker-cli from user-specific 
> changes, e.g. I support loading FreeMarker templates from 
> “~/.freemarker-cli/templates”
> Using FreemarkerTask in a different environment
> * No problem to keep a shared “Configuration”
> Thanks in advance,
> Siegfried Goeschl

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