Karen and I just spent a long time tracking down weird git history in her
checkout to discover that someone did a force push of the geode-native
develop. That's not cool, because it screws over anyone with a copy of the
branch and we potentially lost history.

I think we need to do two things.

1) Block force pushes on any shared branches (develop, master, release-*).
If we are in agreement, I'll file a JIRA with INFRA

2) Figure out what to with geode-native develop. It looks like there have
been commits since the force push. Do we keep what is on the branch now, or
try to put it back to what it was?


From: jbarr...@apache.org

4:57 PM (20 hours ago)

to commits
Repository: geode-native
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/develop aff706be2 -> 06e8f39a0 (forced update)

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