Nice work!!!

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 4:55 PM, John Blum <> wrote:

> Greetings Apache Geode Community-
> It is my pleasure to follow-up with several announcements and releases
> concerning the Apache Geode ecosystem from the Spring portfolio.
> 1. First, we moved 2 versions since my last announcement [1] to *Spring
> Data for Apache Geode* *2.0.5.RELEASE* (*Kay-SR5*).
> 1.1. The official release announcement is here [2].
> 1.2. See the changelog [3] for additional details.  Specifically look at
> the changes in versions 2.0.4.RELEASE and 2.0.5.RELEASE.
> 1.3. One of the more interesting changes to SDG is the ability to register
> QueryPostProcessors to process (OQL) queries generated from *Repository*
> query methods when using the convention. See SDG's Reference Documentation
> for more information [4].
> 2. Second, we have already released our first milestone for *Spring Data*
> *Lovelace* [5], which, of course, includes *Spring Data for Apache Geode*
> *2.1.0.M1*.  You may remember [6], I have many things planned this year
> for the next few versions of *Spring Data for Apache Geode*.
> 3. Third, *Spring Session for Apache Geode* has also jumped to versions
> since my last announcement [7] to *2.0.2.RELEASE*.  This release
> primarily consist of version updates and is based on *Spring Session core*
> 2.0.2.RELEASE.
> 4. Lastly, it was just announced [8] that *Spring Boot 2.0* went GA, so
> is now at version *2.0.0.RELEASE*.  \o/  .oO(Yay!)
> It's been a long haul but the timing is perfect since I am only a few
> weeks away from releasing the first milestone of *Spring Boot for Apache
> Geode*.  I have been making good progress on this project [9] and I
> essentially have only testing, documentation and examples left to complete.
> * Of course, it will be based on the newly minted *Spring Boot*
> 2.0.0.RELEASE, and will cover many things, such as, but not limited to,
> providing an auto-configured ClientCache instance OOTB that will
> automatically authenticate when you push your *Spring Boot*, ClientCache
> apps to PCF when interfacing to PCC.
> * Using Apache Geode as a caching provider in *Spring's Cache Abstraction*
> will be enabled by default as will SDG *Repositories*.
> * PDX is the default serialization format and there will be NO need to
> explicitly register a PdxSerializer to identify and serialize your
> application domain object types; it will just work as it should!
> * Annotated Continuous Query Listener, POJO-based method callbacks will be
> enabled by default; so just start by declaring your CQs and you will
> receive events. Remember this wicked cool feature [10].  Example here [11].
> * Interface-based Function Executions are also enabled by default.  Just
> declare your Apache Geode Functions using an interface and SDG combined
> with the new *Spring Boot* support will handle the rest.  You just invoke
> your Function like any other POJO method, in a clean and Object-Oriented
> way!
> So many exciting things planned in *Spring Boot for Apache Geode*, I look
> forward to rolling this out soon and getting your feedback.  Stay tuned!
> Well, that is all for now folks.
> Regards,
> --
> -John
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> RELEASE/changelog.txt
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> list:org%2Eapache%2Egeode%2Euser+order:date-backward+
> from:%22John+Blum%22&page=1
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> current/reference/html/#bootstrap-annotation-config-continuous-queries
> [11]
> tree/master/continuous-query-example

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