FindBugs is another one that could potentially help some. I get tired of
adding reviews that say "Please change this member variable to be private"
-- tools like LGTM and FindBugs can help guide us to better code and
prevent us from losing ground in something like the improvements you all
have made for LGTM. Thanks by the way!

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 2:20 PM, Bruce Schuchardt <>

> I'd like to see LGTM run on pull requests.  Otherwise I think we're
> fighting a losing battle trying to improve the quality of our code. For
> instance, we just had a nice contribution of geospatial functionality that
> raised 5 alerts, but we only found out about it after the code was merged
> to develop.
> LGTM allows that kind of integration but you have to be the repo "owner"
> to set it up.

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