Good points, Ken.

I do think it is wise for us to begin a push to remove *USAGE* of
deprecated methods right at the time of deprecation, but the tests probably
should hang around until we're getting into the planning phase for the next

Mike Stolz
Principal Engineer, GemFire Product Lead
Mobile: +1-631-835-4771

On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 4:52 PM Ken Howe <> wrote:

> I agree that we have too many uses of code deprecated in our own code
> base. I also agree with the idea that we should not introduce new usages of
> deprecated classes. So if someone is modifying a class that uses deprecated
> classes, should the deprecations be refactored out or is it OK to leave
> them? Seems hard to make firm “rules” (or should we call them guidelines?).
> Each case needs to be looked at with respect to code complexity, how
> extensive is the original code change and are the deprecated uses in the
> area of change, and will removing the deprecations require API changes to
> inject new dependencies to support removing the deprecations.
> We do have the guideline that deprecated classes can’t be removed until at
> least the major release after the release in which the class was
> deprecated. So currently we’re looking at Geode 2.0 to possibly remove
> deprecated classes.
> Now to get where it would be OK to remove a deprecated class in 2.0.0,
> then it seems to me that the initiative should be to remove all current
> uses of the class in the core product and in test code prior to when the
> decision is made to work toward a 2.0.0 release. In other words, do it
> sooner and avoid the rush to do it all just before the release.
> > On Jan 2, 2019, at 11:38 AM, Peter Tran <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Geode Dev,
> >
> > As a new contributor reviewing PRs I've learnt that it's acceptable to
> make
> > a PR that continues to use deprecated classes but not okay to introduce
> the
> > usage of a deprecated class.
> >
> > I wonder if there should be a systematic way to remove the usage of
> > deprecated classes. I'm concerned over time the code base will accumulate
> > more and more deprecated classes unless there is a system in place in
> which
> > they are removed.
> >
> > Has there been any initiatives in the past to do this? Are having a lot
> of
> > deprecated classes still in use a low risk thing?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Peter
> > --
> > Peter Tran
> > PCF Toronto

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