Hi Alberto!

Great questions.  One of the fundamental characteristics of Geode is its Group 
Membership System (GMS).  You can read more about it here [1].  The membership 
system ensures that failures due to unresponsive members and/or network 
partitions are detected quickly.  Given that we use synchronous replication for 
consistent updates, the GMS algorithms fence off unresponsive members to 
preserve the availability (and predictable low latency) of the cluster as a 

Another factor of resilience is memory load.  Regions can be configured to 
automatically evict data to disk based on heap usage.  In addition, when a 
Region exceeds a critical memory usage thresholds further updates are blocked 
until the overload is resolved.

Geode clients route operations to cluster members based on connection load.  
This helps balance cpu load across the entire cluster.  Cluster members can set 
connection maximums to prevent overrunning the available capacity of an 
individual server.

I hope this helps and feel free to keep asking questions :-)



> On May 10, 2019, at 3:22 AM, Alberto Gomez <alberto.go...@est.tech> wrote:
> Hi Geode community!
> I'd like to know if Geode implements any kind of self-protection against 
> overload. What I mean by this is some mechanism that allows Geode servers 
> (and possibly locators) to reject incoming operations before processing them 
> when it detects that it is not able to handle the amount of operations 
> received in a reasonable way (with reasonable latency and without 
> experiencing processes crashing).
> The goal would be to make sure that Geode (or some parts of it) do not crash 
> under too heavy load and also that the latency level is always under control 
> at least for the amount of traffic the Geode cluster is supposed to support.
> If Geode does not offer such mechanism, I would also like to get your opinion 
> about this possible feature, (if you find it interesting) and also on how it 
> could be implemented. One possible approach could be having some measure of 
> the current CPU consumption that allows to decide if a given operation must 
> be processed or not, taking into account the CPU consumption value with 
> respect to an overload threshold.
> Thanks in advance for your answers,
> -Alberto

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