It seems common for Geode PRs to get merged with only a single green checkmark 
in GitHub.

According to we should not be 
merging PRs with fewer than 3 green checkmarks.

Consensus is a fundamental value in doing things The Apache Way.  A single +1 
is not consensus.  Since we’re currently discussing what it takes to become a 
committer and what standards a committer is expected to uphold, it seems like a 
good time to review this policy.

GitHub can be configured to require N reviews before a commit can be merged.  
Should we enable this feature?

For code-modification votes, +1 votes are in favour of the proposal, but -1 
votes are vetos <> and kill 
the proposal dead until all vetoers withdraw their -1 votes.

Unless a vote has been declared as using lazy consensus 
<> , three +1 votes 
are required for a code-modification proposal to pass.

Whole numbers are recommended for this type of vote, as the opinion being 
expressed is Boolean: 'I approve/do not approve of this change.'

An alternative to voting that is sometimes used to measure the acceptability of 
something is the concept of lazy consensus 

Lazy consensus is simply an announcement of 'silence gives assent.’ When 
someone wants to determine the sense of the community this way, it might do so 
with a mail message such as:
"The patch below fixes GEODE-12345; if no-one objects within three days, I'll 
assume lazy consensus and commit it."

Lazy consensus cannot be used on projects that enforce a review-then-commit 
<> policy.

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