Hi Kirk,

I think having a coding standard that goes beyond a formatting style guide
is a great idea. There are many interesting things in the SEI CERT
standard. However, it's also massive. I see 13 rules just about methods.
Yet some guidelines that would be most important to me like limiting method
length and number of parameters are missing.

I wonder if we might be better off taking the rules we like from SEI CERT,
adding our own and aiming for a much smaller set of guidelines. I'd hope
for something like a one-pager. If it gets much longer than that, it
becomes burdensome to read for newcomers and we want to make sure they can
quickly take in what's most important.

I also prefer "guidelines" over "rules". I'd like to have a discussion if
someone is not following a guideline, rather than creating the impression
that all rules must be followed, no matter what the circumstances are.

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 2:16 PM Kirk Lund <kl...@apache.org> wrote:

> Apache Geode has a Code Style Guide [1] which is currently defined as
> following the Google Java Style Guide [2]. This style guide is a good
> starting point, but it deals primarily with formatting of code and is a
> fairly dated and static document that doesn't evolve much.
> I'd like to propose that the Geode dev community adopt a Coding Standard in
> addition to the Style Guide. Specifically, I believe that having our
> community follow the SEI CERT Coding Standard [3] for Java [4] would
> benefit us greatly. There are also Coding Standards for C and C++ that we
> could consider if we decide to use the one for Java.
> SEI CERT Coding Standards are completely documented on their wiki which is
> open to having anyone join and become involved in their community. They are
> also available in book form (including on amazon.com).
> From what I've studied, I believe the Coding Standard and Google Java Style
> Guide will be compatible, but we could decide that the Coding Standard
> supersedes anything in the Google Java Style Guide that is directly in
> conflict just in case.
> I'm not proposing we rigidly and blindly follow this Coding Standard. We
> can extend or even supersede portions of the adopted Coding Standard with
> our own Addendum. The Coding Standard Addendum would exist on the Apache
> Geode Wiki to define Geode-specific rules or recommendations. What I'd like
> to see happen is for us to use the SEI CERT Coding Standard for Java as a
> starting point for our own Coding Standard. The resulting Coding Standard
> for Geode can be as static or as living and evolving as we wish.
> The Coding Standard can then provide helpful guidance in how we reshape
> some of the Geode code base that is in greater need of refactoring. It
> would also help guide us from following poor examples in the current code
> base when introducing new code.
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GEODE/Code+Style+Guide
> [2] https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html
> [3]
> https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/seccode/SEI+CERT+Coding+Standards
> [4]
> https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/java/SEI+CERT+Oracle+Coding+Standard+for+Java

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