Still no volunteers?  It is a nice service that you can perform for our
Thanks.  Karen

On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 9:15 AM Karen Miller <> wrote:

> Can I get a volunteer to draft our August 2020 report?  Doesn't take much
> time. Help is available for the asking if you've never done this community
> activity before.  First draft would be super by this Friday, August 7.
> Thanks.  Karen
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Roy T. Fielding <>
> Date: Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 10:52 AM
> Subject: Geode Board Report due by Wed Aug 12nd - Initial Reminder
> To: Karen Miller <>
> Cc: <>
> Hello,
> According to our records, you are listed as the chair of Geode,
> a committee that is due to submit a report by Wed Aug 12nd
> for the next ASF board meeting. This is an initial reminder to prepare a
> report for Geode and submit it as described below.
> Thank you for being a responsible project chair and helping us maintain
> oversight over the Apache Software Foundation. If, for whatever reason,
> a full report is not possible by the deadline, please report just that.
> It's okay to postpone a report by a month.
> Please note that we have initiated a new process for reviewing
> and approving these reports, asynchronously, during the week prior
> to our scheduled board meeting.
> Reports received after Wed Aug 12nd will be postponed to the
> next regular meeting. Please try to submit your report much earlier.
> Submitting your report
> ----------------------
> Full details about reporting to the board are at
> Please be aware that the board is looking for your personal observations,
> assessment, and ideas, not just raw statistics.
> Chairs may use one of several mechanisms to submit or edit their report:
>  a) the Apache Reporter Service
>  b) the Whimsy online agenda tool
>  c) carefully editing and committing changes to the dated agenda in
>  d) or, if none of the above work, send an email to with
>     Subject: [REPORT] Geode
> If you believe it won't be possible to prepare a report before the
> deadline,
> or if the PMC is aware that the Chair is unavailable, please report that
> and we can reschedule or have someone else report on your behalf.
> Attending the Board Meeting
> ---------------------------
> The formal board meeting (usually an online videoconference) will be held
> at
>   Wed, 19 Aug 2020 at 12:30 UTC
> which in other time zones is
> As always, chairs and ASF members are welcome to attend the board meeting.
> However, in most cases, we will not be using meeting time to discuss
> reports
> unless you specifically request time to speak in person.
> During the week prior to the meeting, the directors will read the received
> reports, make comments (if any) within the agenda tool, discuss those
> comments on the board and/or private committee lists, and vote to approve.
> If we have comments on a report, we will forward them during the
> review and attempt to complete any associated action items as well.
> This will allow us to be more responsive to project needs and give you
> an opportunity to expand on your report if additional details are
> requested prior to the meeting.
> Regular board meetings are held monthly, as scheduled at
> Requesting a Board Action
> -------------------------
> If you want the board to make a decision related to your report, such as
> changing the chair, establishing a new committee, or allocating a budget
> for something related to Geode, you should author a resolution
> for that purpose or ask a director to do so for you.
> To make this easy, there are several templates we use for common board
> resolutions. They can be found in
> or accessible within the Whimsy online agenda tool
> If you do place a resolution before the board and that resolution
> has not been preapproved before the board meeting, you are encouraged
> to attend the meeting in person to address any last-minute questions
> or concerns that might arise.
> Thanks,
> The ASF Board

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