>> Anyway, I took a peek at the HTTPConnector code an what you have should
>> work.  Can you try hooking up a debugger to see what is in GBeanMBean
>> attributes map?
> I will try (not still sure how yet , but will find out) any way if there
> is a bug as I claimed the other peoples build of the maven should failed
> inside axis module tests.  It seems it is not the case.
> may be I have messs up something, any way plese let me check it, try to
> debug it and get back to you.
> Thanks
> Srinath
yes when I build all geronimo with tests off and then  build the axis
module back and in that case it works ok.

>> On Jul 14, 2004, at 1:29 AM, Srinath Perera wrote:
>>> The code I was using to start jetty stand alone in AaxisGBean failing.
>>> It
>>> works just few days ago.
>>> in the HTTPConnector GBean the port is defined in the super class
>>> sp they are not inherited?? may be this has something to done with this
>>> but I am still not sure
>>> Then I try  code to start the Jetty from ApplicationTest and it also
>>> fails
>>> saying "port" is a attribute. If what I saying is true the test should
>>> be
>>> failing in number of occasions.
>>> Thanks
>>> Srinath
>>> trace
>>> =====
>>> javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException: Unknown attribute port
>>>     at
>>> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.jmx.GBeanMBean.getAttributeByName(GBeanMBean.
>>> java:736)
>>>     at
>>> org.apache.geronimo.gbean.jmx.GBeanMBean.setAttribute(GBeanMBean.java:
>>> 674)
>>>     at
>>> org.apache.geronimo.axis.AxisGBeanTest.setUp(AxisGBeanTest.java:112)
>>> containerName = new ObjectName("geronimo.jetty:role=Container");
>>> containerPatterns = Collections.singleton(containerName);
>>> connectorName = new ObjectName("geronimo.jetty:role=Connector");
>>> appName = new ObjectName("geronimo.jetty:app=test");
>>> tmName = new ObjectName("geronimo.test:role=TransactionManager");
>>> tcaName = new
>>> ObjectName("geronimo.test:role=ConnectionTrackingCoordinator");
>>> kernel = new Kernel("test.kernel", "test");
>>> kernel.boot();
>>> mbServer = kernel.getMBeanServer();
>>> container = new GBeanMBean(JettyContainerImpl.GBEAN_INFO);
>>> connector = new GBeanMBean(HTTPConnector.GBEAN_INFO);
>>> connector.setAttribute("port", new Integer(5678));
>>> connector.setReferencePatterns("JettyContainer", containerPatterns);
>>> start(containerName, container);
>>> start(connectorName, connector);
>>> tm = new GBeanMBean(GeronimoTransactionManager.GBEAN_INFO);
>>> Set patterns = new HashSet();
>>> patterns.add(ObjectName.getInstance("geronimo.server:
>>> j2eeType=JCAManagedConnectionFactory,*"));
>>> tm.setReferencePatterns("resourceManagers", patterns);
>>> start(tmName, tm);
>>> ctc = new GBeanMBean(ConnectionTrackingCoordinator.GBEAN_INFO);
>>> start(tcaName, ctc);
> ------------------------------------
> Lanka Sofware Foundation
> ------------------------------------

Lanka Sofware Foundation

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