On 18/09/2004 8:41 AM, Jacek Laskowski wrote:

Kristian Köhler wrote:


after refreshing from scm and running rebuild i get an error (attached). Am I alone? ;-)

Oops, I'm checking it out....

This problem is fixed. It was due to the fact that the geronimo-tomcat artifact was not copied to the geronimo repository prior to deploy TomcatGBean.

BTW, I have noticed a couple of "issues":
* there is an indirect dependency between Catalina (the class) and the javax.management package. I have discovered this problem when mounting the geronimo-tomcat module within Eclipse. So we will need to declare a new dependency; and
* to some extent we are lucky to have a build of geronimo-tomcat after assembly. Indeed, geronimo-tomcat assumes that the assembly module has been built, yet it does not declare a dependency to force a correct build order. I think that geronimo-tomcat should be installed like the other modules (e.g. geronimo-jetty).


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