Aaron Mulder wrote:
        I know the main developer of MC4J, a cool (Swing-based) JMX
management console -- check out the screen shots and stuff.  (His name is
Greg Hinkle)  I hope to get Greg on board with Geronimo.  If so, and if
that project continues to use (what is essentially) the Mozilla Public
License, would we be able to distribute it as part of Geronimo?  He's got
modules in there for a number of app servers, and he said he's working on
more direct JSR-77 support, so it seems like a good fit.



I used MC4J back in Geronimo's early days to debug GBeans and thought it was a good front-end to JMX. I would certainly support a module for Geronimo and I would assume that can be Apache licensed (i.e. comes with Geronimo rather than MC4J).

Since then we have also added support for JSR-160 JMX remoting so presumably it can connect using that.

The concern I have is that just exposing every MBean will not lead to a user-friendly solution - there is just too much detail. Instead, I think we need to define a higher level information model so the console can be a little smarter.

For example, rather than messing around with Connector stuff, the user should just be able to say "I want to connect to a database" and be lead through that process by some sort of wizard.


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