On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 09:16:58AM -0800, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
> David Blevins wrote:
> >The protocol layer in OpenEJB uses the canonical string version all over 
> >the place.  We avoided ObjectName on the wire as String is capable of 
> >representing an ObjectName and serializes faster and with less bytes as 
> >there is special logic in java.io.ObjectOutput/InputStream that 
> >basically treats them like primitives.
> I take it you have some form of custom serialization code that converts 
> ObjectName to String and back again. GBeanName is Serializable (and the 
> serialized form is just a String) so it should continue to work right 
> now until you can add custom serialization just as for ObjectName.

We don't convert to/from ObjectName on each call, we stick with string.


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