FYI.  Do not cross-post replies.

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: A mailing list for discussion of the JavaMail(tm) API
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 14:28
Subject: JavaMail and JAF available as Open Source!

As we announced at JavaOne, Sun has released its J2EE (now called "Java EE")
application server as an open source project on  The project is
called GlassFish and you can find out more at
GlassFish is available under the CDDL open source license.

GlassFish contains JavaMail and JAF, so the source code for both is
available under CDDL as well.  GlassFish currently contains JAF 1.1ea
and a version of JavaMail slightly newer than 1.3.3ea.

Right now, JavaMail and JAF are only built as part of a GlassFish build.
Eventually I hope to improve the build system so that the standalone
releases of JavaMail and JAF can be built from the GlassFish source
base.  (Unfortunately, I have about 100 other more important things to
do before I get to that.)

Those of you looking for source code for debugging purposes, or with
a need to improve JavaMail for your own use, should start with the
GlassFish source.  You'll need to be a member and you'll
need to accept the terms of the CDDL license, but note that CDDL is
an OSI-approved Open Source license (it's the same license used by
OpenSolaris, and a derivative of the Mozilla Public License) so you're
free to use it in many ways that were previously restricted.

If you make improvements to JavaMail or JAF, and would like give
those improvements back to Sun (which you're not required to do),
you'll need to sign a Sun Contributor Agreement so that we're sure
you have to rights to give us what you're giving us.  (Signing the
SCA once allows you to contribute to any Sun open source project,
including GlassFish, OpenSolaris, NetBeans, etc.)

Note that improvements to the JavaMail and JAF APIs (the javax.* APIs)
need to be approved by the JCP.

Enjoy the latest JavaMail and JAF source, and please be patient as
we transition our build and release processes to

        The JavaMail Team

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