On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, David Jencks wrote:
> I don't fully understand what this issue is about, but I would like to 
> point out that the first assumption (that there is one web container 
> per image) is currently wrong and IMO not likely to change for M5

        I'm not sure I understand.  I really oppose shipping a server with
both Tomcat and Jetty active.  I thought it was going to be a Tomcat
download and a Jetty download.  And if this was achieved by having both
present in the server but one was disabled and effectively invisible,
fine, that's effectively equivalent to only one being present.


> On Sep 9, 2005, at 7:49 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:
> >
> >  Aaron Mulder wrote:        In order to do this right, I think we 
> > should define an interface
> >> for web server request log access.  That interface should have a 
> >> method
> >> that searches the logs, like the server log GBean does, so rather 
> >> than the
> >> console code asking the web server for log files and then opening 
> >> files
> >> and scanning them, the console should pass a bunch of search 
> >> parameters to
> >> the web server, and the web server should identify and search its own 
> >> logs
> >> and just return the results to the console.  If the web server has
> >> multiple logs, I guess it should have a method that gets a list of log
> >> file names, so the portlet can let you select the log to query, and 
> >> the
> >> search method can take the log file name as a parameter.
> >>
> >>         I have an outstanding task to rearrange the management 
> >> interface
> >> works for the web containers and connectors, so part of that can be
> >> exposing the log manager or whatever we call the interface mentioned
> >> above.  So after those changes, the code should look something like 
> >> this:
> >>
> >> J2EEServer server = ...
> >> WebManager[] managers = ... server.getWebManagers();
> >> (select Tomcat or Jetty WebManager to work with)
> >> RequestLogManager log = ... managers[i].getRequestLog();
> >> (do log stuff such as:
> >>     String[] logFiles = log.getLogFiles();
> >>     LogLine[] hits = log.searchLogs(logFile, start, end, maxRows, 
> >> ...);
> >> )
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  - We continue to assume that there will be only 1 container and hence 
> > 1 Web Manager in an image (see my earlier question on this point). 
> >  - As you suggest we add a mechanism to the WebManager to get access 
> > to logs.  
> >  - Create an Interface (WebAccessLogHelper) with methods similar to 
> > the class methods on the current WebAccessLogHelper class.  There will 
> > be some additions for handling multiple logs and some other changes 
> > (see below).
> >  - Create implementations of the WebAccessLogHelper for each supported 
> > container type.
> >  - Add a method to the WebManager to return a reference to the 
> > appropriate WebAccessLogHelper implementation for the container.
> >  - Have the portlet interact with the WebAccessLogHelper and in 
> > particular make queries via an enhanced WebAcessLogCriteria object   
> > (enhanced to include the log selection, max# of records to return, 
> > etc...). 
> >
> > So the WebAccessLogViewerPortlet pseudo-code would look something like 
> > this:
> >  J2EEServer server = ....
> >  WebManager[] managerArray  = .... server.getWebManagers();
> >  WebManager manager = WebManagers[0];   // select the first manager in 
> > the set for now.  If we support multiple managers we can enhance this 
> > for some user selection.
> >  WebAccessLogHelper logHelper = manager.getLogHelper();
> >  // No need to query the container type .. that's hidden behind the 
> > implementation of the log helper interface.
> >  ArrayList logs = logHelper.getLogs()   // to return a list of logs 
> > for display/selection (initially select the first log in the list)
> >  File[] files = logHelper.getFiles()   // to return a list of files 
> > for display only (for those who would like to see the actual files and 
> > the locations). 
> >  WebAccessLogCriteria = new WebAccessLogCriteria( criteria defaults .. 
> > including the selected log).
> >  ArrayList searchResults = WebAccessLogHelp.searchLogs( criteria);
> >
> >  Criteria would include most of what there is is today with some minor 
> > changes:
> >  - selected Log  (user can select from list if more than one).
> >  - Start date/time
> >  - End data/time
> >  - Host
> >  - authUser
> >  - method
> >  - URI
> >  - message
> >  - max # of messages to return
> >  - Starting record # (for displaying subsequent pages).
> >
> >
> >>         To get started, perhaps you could propose an interface for the
> >> RequestLogManager or whatever we call it, and look at how we could
> >> implement that for Tomcat and Jetty.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>         Aaron
> >>
> >> On Wed, 31 Aug 2005, Joe Bohn wrote:
> >>
> >>> I was investigating what is necessary to get the log management 
> >>> portlet
> >>> in the console working for tomcat.   It currently only works to 
> >>> display
> >>> the jetty web log.
> >>>
> >>> As I was digging into this it is starting to get a little deeper 
> >>> than I
> >>> anticipated and would like some recommendations.
> >>>
> >>> - The log portlet references a GBean object for the JettyRequestLog.
> >>> - I don't see an equivalent GBean in tomcat.  Should I attempt to 
> >>> create
> >>> one and wrap the Tomcat web log in a GBean too?
> >>>
> >>> -- 
> >>> Joe Bohn
> >>>
> >>> "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
> >>> lose."   -- Jim Elliot
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > -- 
> > Joe Bohn
> >
> > "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot 
> > lose."   -- Jim Elliot
> >

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