+1 - I don't think we should make the decision for the user.

It would be even better if the installer in a "Choose Your Web Container" page, provided a URL or link to a page on the Wiki that provided information that would help them make an informed decision.
See related ideas in http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-1314


Jeff Genender wrote:

This is obviously a hot topic and I hope that as a Geronimo PMC and user community we are not forced to have to show preference of one over the other. There is obviously some personal preferences on both sides and we are a great open source project because we do not have to get behind one *or* the other. We can get behind them both.

May I ask why the installer/wizard cannot have a page called "Choose Your Web Container" and have an option for Jetty and Tomcat, but neither selected? Does there need to be a default? Can we just let the end user choose?

IMHO, I don't think we should provide a preference for one over the other. I really like both. I think we should give the user the choice without hinting a preference.

Thoughts and comments?


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