Jeff Genender wrote:

Joe Bohn wrote:

I agree with Aaron with regard to usability. Users don't want to have to make any decisions on the first install (especially when they first pick it up for evaluation). My mom doesn't install anything on her computer unless she can click, click, click and get it working. I know our users are more sophisticated than her ... but we want to make it as easy as possibly to get something working quickly. We want to make this easy enough for my mom to install (even though she never will). :-)

So you think your average Geronimo user will have no idea what a web container is?

I think this is the root of your miscommunication/disagreement: the decision to choose a web container has to stem not only from an understanding of what a web container is, but also from an evaluation of the relative merits of both. That is, Joe User may know from Servlets 101 what a web container provides, but he may not be aware of what this choice entails. Of course such worries could be mitigated by a blurb in this particular installer page that mentions that both are OK, etc.

In the end, I think that not having a default choice (whatever that may be) is a rather loud acknowledgment of a fear to have the debate and make a choice :-)


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